Black tax is a ‘pinch’ felt by black professionals and successful people having to financially support their extended family members.

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Is it avoidable? Many questions remain unanswered when it comes to that but one thing is for sure, many families continue to struggle because of it and also without it.
Helping someone out and seeing them succeed in life brings joy and warmth to one’s heart, now on the other hand you’ll find the entitled human blood suckers who always want to be ‘spoon-fed’ to support their addiction like alcohol, smoking etc.
As black community what can we do to stop the circle of poverty and inequality? Can black tax help in that regard?
One thing is for sure, whether it is a burden or not, it remains reality in most households.
The fact that you helped someone get a push in life and they’re now successful does not necessarily mean they owe you, let’s stop being entitled to what’s not ours and making unnecessary demands.
To those who are financially sound, blessed is a hand that giveth than the one taketh, having said that, be responsible in helping the less fortunate. No spoon feeding, there is a saying in Setswana “kgomo go tsosiwa e e itekang” which loosely means in life we help those that help themselves or those that try to help themselves.
Help must come from a good place so that the receiver can also flourish. Let’s rise together Setšhaba sa Rantsho in stopping the scourge of poverty and inequality. PULA!!
This Opinion piece was submitted by an anonymous author