Meet Lorraine Mmakau, a passionate female farmer from Lefiswane in Mpumalanga province who saw the need to pick up where her late father left off and continue to feed our people. Her journey was not an easy one, but that did not stop her from doing what she loves. Our agriculture editor of The Village MagMariri Mamabolo had a conversation with her to learn more about her trial and tribulations in this line of business.

Image: Supplied
My Farming Journey started when I was still young. We used to grow Millie’s and vegetables in our backyard for us to consume. My late father used to sell veggies, cattle and goat milk to our villagers. So I grew up in a household of farmers and was exposed to animal, livestock and crop farming.
How it started.
I developed the love and passion to carry on with my father’s legacy as it is in my genes. After matric I went to college and studied Primary Agriculture from 2015-2018 where I developed both theory and practical skills through college modules.
I am a qualified farmer now in both Agri-Business, Livestock, Animal and Plant Production. I started growing vegetables in 2020, after I did some market research and realised that we have few young farmers and the demand for fresh produce is high. I then started growing spinach, lettuce, beetroot, butternut, onions, tomatoes, carrots and peppers.
I sold some of my produce and donated some to families in need. It is called ‘ giving back to the villagers’, ooh that’s how I was raised.
I face challenges like every other farmer, including capital to sustain the farm, land with the right soil pH, and the right nutrients.
I’ve received help from my family and friends, that’s all I can mention for now.
I worked for well-known companies, including ZZ2 Mooketsi Tzaanen thatsupplies 90% of tomatoes country wide, OBARO POTGIETERSRUS and STERKRIVER Waterberg College Farm.
To have a sustainable farm which will be known for my greener produces like beetroot, lettuce and spinach.
I am passionate about teaching young kids and adults that agriculture can also be a successful career if done properly. Through my farm I created employment and want to see the number of my employees and learners growing even more.
It is motivating to see more people coming up to me to ask more about what I do and in turn that encourages them to also want to start farming especially after I told them my story.
I wish more farmers could be celebrated like other professionals in other fields i.e. careers. Life starts at the field/ farm, we are contributing so much to the environment.
To those who want to help or know about my journey, please do contact me.
FB: Lorraine Mmakau

Image: Supplied